“Sometimes I wonder if innocent exploration, simply for the joy of it,

 is given encouragement by the Universe."

L.M.Howe – Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles 

  Welcome to my doorstep on your own pilgrimage to “Getting Better”                    

I am a full-time mum, partner, therapist, teacher and curious explorer of life. My offer to your searching mind includes:


-Regression and Past Life Regression Therapy,

-Spiritual Regression Between Lives

-BERNADETTE's Retreat - Southwest France 3-6 days  (Discovering and holistically healing past lives and current life, understanding your soul missions, meaning of your life, learnings, relationships, & possibility to discover the Basque Country )  all year round 

- Channeling - 6 day intensive course to connect with your soul, your spirit guides, or higher self, for advice, understanding and practical use in everyday life May 2024 for hypnotherapy colleagues 3 day intensive  - 10% off 

-Reiki Healing Sessions, Attunments and Open Ateliers

-Energy Clearing and Recharging (also distance)

-Reading (also Zoom)

- Getting Better School (English/Français/Česky) 

                                              - Spiritual Regression Course  

                                              - Holistic Regression Therapy Course

recognized by


My door is open to you whether you are seeking reasons, purpose, health improvement, overcoming obstacles and blockages, holistic healing or spiritual discovery and understanding… and when you are looking around to see what else there is for you. 

 The therapies I provide are effective for: 

Repetitive health problems, consequences of accidents, inexplicable pains, infertility, social anxiety, selective mutism, phobias, panic attacks, trauma from accidents, obsessions, fears, feelings of incapacity, inadequacy, insomnia, migraine, feelings of not being able to do/say/feel something, relationship difficulties, addictions, guilt feelings, tension, eating disorders, nail biting, nightmares, anger, stress reduction, confidence building, increasing motivation, relaxation, spiritual awareness  and a lot more. 


I am a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Regression and Past Life Regression Therapist, Life between Lives Regression Therapist  with the diploma from the Past Life Regression Academy  and  Spiritual Regression Therapy Association, professional member of Earth Association for Regression Therapy, I have contributed to a research conducted by EARTh, in a book Regression Therapy for Relationship Issues and Therapist Survey of Clients' E.T. Experiences, gave workshops in Prague, Oxfordshire and Biarritz and participated in the World Congress of Regression Therapists in Porto. I am a Head Trainer in Getting Better School. I am also a Reiki Master & Teacher, trained in two different lineages. I speak Czech, English and French.  

If you like to know more about me before getting in touch, please check the interview in MYSTICMAG                                                                               

CONTACT ME                                  


The actual door to my practice you will find in South West France, (Aquitaine 64, Pyrenees Atlantique), near Biarritz, Bayonne  in a beautiful village Itxassou set in breathtaking Basque Country scenery. The energies of the Earth and the Universe meet here in a unique way. ‘Cro-Magnon’ men already appreciated this area some 30,000 years ago. Literally at every step you will find power places, cromlechs, springs and caves and the paths of Camino de Santiago

Welcome to experience yourself


My amazing colleagues with backgrounds in therapy, healing, and coaching. Their skills, experience, professionalism, integrity, honesty, soul view and egoless immense human heart is why I consult with them in my own life. We share and exchange healing, ballance, discoveries and help each other in most personal human incarnated issues. Cheers and thank you to my soul friends! 

Patrick Farré  - Coach de vie - France - Toulouse

Céline Rousse - Medicine Chinoise- France - Tarnos

Franck Noden - Arts Martiaux - France - Itxassou

David Graham - Regression Therapy, Between Lives, Spirit Release - U.K.

Bel Rogers - Regression Therapy, Between Lives, Trainer, - Italy

Janet Treloar - Channel & Trainer, Regression Therapy, Between Lives -  U.K.

Laura Daggers - Regression Therapy - The Netherlands

Robert Cranny  -  Thérapie par Régression, Tambour/Chants Shamanic, Spirit Release - France - Landes

Maria Baudyšová - astrologie, Spiritualni Regrese Mezi Zivoty - CZ

Jana MatasovaHolisticka r.t., Spiritualni r.Mezi Zivoty, poradenstvi materstvi - CZ 


*Hypnotic tools taught in these courses are exclusively used for regression therapy and do not replace full hypnosis training. 

More about therapies and retreats in France you find on Counselling in France

Getting Better is a supporter of  Sea Shepherd Conservation Society protecting our oceans, worldwide and SPA  Société Protectrice des Animaux Capbreton, France


Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

These pages are for information only. The approaches offered here are only an alternative and do not substitute medical advice or treatment, do not prescribe medication. The candidates undergoing therapies offered here are in full responsibility for themselves.   


The actual door to my practice you will find in South West France, (Aquitaine 64, Pyrenees Atlantique), near Biarritz, Bayonne  in a beautiful village Itxassou set in breathtaking Basque Country scenery. The energies of the Earth and the Universe meet here in a unique way. ‘Cro-Magnon’ men already appreciated this area some 30,000 years ago. Literally at every step you will find power places, cromlechs, springs and caves and the paths of Camino de Santiago

Welcome to experience yourself